Wohoo! its DAY 1 lets dive deep into it.

🌟 What are my Resources?

Now I will be using NodeJS format to implement my learnings

The collaborative browser based IDE

Now, for the learning resources. I am Starting with Neog Camp Level 0. ****

It will basically will help me in kickstarting my journey as a developer


Neog Camp level 0 - first video

🌟 What did I learn today?

The first thing I learnt that is that JavaScript runs on a console and that console can be of any type be it

when we right click and inspect on any website on browser we get a console

when we right click and inspect on any website on browser we get a console

Starting with Ex 01: Printing Statements in JavaScript

For printing statements in JavaScript we need to write the following command

To make comments in code like the quotes we dont need the program to run we use β€œ//” in code this part of text is not run in the code. I will use comments in the code to describe each part of the code.

// log acts like a object in console that it refers to for printing on the console